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Where to for Super Rugby? (1 Leser) (1) Gast
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THEMA: Where to for Super Rugby?
Joe Clark (Gast)
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Where to for Super Rugby? vor 7 Jahren, 6 Monaten Karma: 0  
I think that it is widely agreed that the current Super 18 model is flawed on so many levels; the draw is confusing, the conferences unbalanced, the finals system is incomprehensible. Crowds in South Africa are down (Ellis Park looked almost empty yesterday on a fine sunny afternoon in what was a pretty good game). Crowds in Australia are down. Playing standard in both Australia and South Africa is well below that of the NZ teams - surely not a healthy situation for any of the SANZAAR partners, including NZ?
Please Help !
Thanks !
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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