Aw: Live Stream Deutschland vs Hong Kong????? vor 14 Jahren, 3 Monaten
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Ah ja,
hier das HK Team
The Hong Kong National XV squad embark on another journey in to Europe. Three test matches against three different countries.
First Test Match 11th December
Hong Kong vs Germany 2:30pm KO Heidelberg
Second Test match 15th December
Hong Kong vs Norway 5pm KO Stavanger
Third Test Match 18th December
Hong Kong vs Holland 2pm KO Amsterdam
Andy Li Kowloon
Alex Harris Kowloon
Alex Ng Valley
Alvin Chik Valley
Phil Leung DeA Tigers
WEI Hon Sum, Leon University of Surrey
Carl Rojens Valley
Hong Pak Causeway Bay
Ollie Jones HKFC
Matt Nuttal DeA Tigers
Renaud Chavanis Valley
Charles French HKFC
Nick Hewson Valley
Mark Goosen Kowloon
Pale Tauti DeA Tigers
Simon Leung HKCC
Tim Alexander Valley
Kenneth Hseih HKCC
Matt Price DeA Tigers
Niall Rowark Valley
Lee Jones Valley
Tom McColl Kowloon
Ant Haynes HKCC
Simon Smith HKCC
Adam Raby HKFC
Yui Kam Shing Valley
Ross Armour Valley