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Aw: Turnier in Holland (Venlo) (1 Leser) (1) Gast
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THEMA: Aw: Turnier in Holland (Venlo)
Chris Caenen (Benutzer)
Beiträge: 2
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Aw: Turnier in Holland (Venlo) vor 14 Jahren, 11 Monaten Karma: 0  

Sorry for not speaking German.

Thanks for placing the banner. This tournament is just over the border from Duisburg. Every year a few German teams compete. Last year Dusseldorf Dragons where the overall winners.

This tournament is a great way to prepare for the upcoming regular season.

Feel free to reply to this post if you've any questions.
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Turnier in Holland (Venlo)
Uwe Diedrichs 14.04.2010 18:02
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Chris Caenen 16.04.2010 08:57
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Thomas Wulf 16.04.2010 09:25
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Chris Caenen 28.06.2010 10:46
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Uwe Diedrichs 19.09.2010 08:11
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Volker Schütt 23.09.2010 10:00
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