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und was hat man davon zu halten? (1 Leser) (1) Gast
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THEMA: und was hat man davon zu halten?
Roland Welsch (Benutzer)
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Geschlecht: männlich Ort: Stuttgart
und was hat man davon zu halten? vor 15 Jahren Karma: 2  
The German RFU decided not to support the Hannover Sevens as the European Sevens final anymore. Last year wasn't as successful as the year before, both in terms of spectators and revenue/sponsors. In terms of media attendance it looked to me as if we did a better job in 2009 (at least regarding print media).
There's other issues to consider here, though: The German RFU has been fighting a little internal battle between the "rugby capitals" Heidelberg and Hannover for a long time now and, in this case, it seems as if Hannover lost the fight. This is not just my personal opinion as I can back it up by facts involving the support the Hannover Sevens organizers got from the German RFU in preparation to both European Sevens finals (2008 and 2009). Poor to average at best (excluding the full-time administrative staff working for the German RFU who are great). It's funny (not really, actually) how little to nothing has happened in Germany after the inclusion of Sevens in the olympic games ... the RFU has been awefully quiet about any campaigns to push Sevens AT ALL so far ... Confused

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und was hat man davon zu halten?
mongo 28.01.2010 23:06
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Bobby100 28.01.2010 23:55
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mongo 29.01.2010 06:29
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WRS 29.01.2010 07:45
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AnonyMouse 29.01.2010 08:55
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Kalahari 29.01.2010 09:32
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Bobby100 29.01.2010 11:38
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thread linkthread link Aw: und was hat man davon zu halten?
AnonyMouse 29.01.2010 08:54
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