Kaum Aufgestiegen, schon hecheln wir hinterher (1 Leser) (1) Gast
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THEMA: Kaum Aufgestiegen, schon hecheln wir hinterher
Kaum Aufgestiegen, schon hecheln wir hinterher vor 16 Jahren, 10 Monaten
Karma: 2
Hier verteilt der IRB sein Geld, Bemerkenswert was unser Mitkonkurrenten in DIV 1 so alles abgreifen! Wäre interessant zu erfahren wieviel der DRV ausgeschüttet bekommt!Arg weniger als z.B Spanien darf es nicht sein, sonst droht uns doch schon Wettbewerbsverzerrung vom ersten Spieltag an.Eigentlich müßte man als Aufsteiger doch ne extra Portion erhalten, wie sonst wollte man auch nur ungefähre Chancengleichheit herstellen mit Rumänen 2,1 Mill, Georgiern 1,7 Mill, Russland 1,1 Mill p.A etc?
ier 2 and Tier 3 Investments
• When the high performance expenditure of £18.7 million is added to the tournament expenditure for these Unions of £12.9 million the combined expenditure of £31.6 million represents 66% of the overall expenditure.
• Funding for USA, Canada and Romania is increased. USA and Canada will receive £2.5 million over the four years. Romania will receive £2.1 million.
• Funding has also been increased for Japan, Fiji and Samoa to reflect the increased High Performance activities in these Unions. Japan and Fiji will receive £1.9 million. Samoa will receive £2.2 million which includes significant infrastructure investment.
• Tonga is maintained at mid-level funding of £1.05 million.
• There is additional spending at Tier 3 level. Georgia receives a substantial increase with funding of £1.7 million with a significant amount of front-loading to enable infrastructure development during 2009 and 2010.
• Portugal also sees some front-loading in year 1 to enable the development of High Performance infrastructure. It will receive £875,000 over the four years.
• New beneficiaries to the investment programme in Tier 3 are Russia £1.1 million, and Spain and Namibia who will both receive £420,000.
Letzte Änderung: 12.05.2008 17:57 von Der Grinch.
Kein öffentlicher Schreibzugriff erlaubt, bitte erst anmelden!
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