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Aw: Rugby für Computer und Konsole (1 Leser) (1) Gast
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THEMA: Aw: Rugby für Computer und Konsole
Christoph ⠀⠀⠀ (Benutzer)
Beiträge: 597
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Aw: Rugby für Computer und Konsole vor 13 Jahren, 4 Monaten Karma: 10  
ASV Rugby Köln



Jetzt muss ich nur noch herausfinden, wie ich das alles selbst visualisiert bekomme, bzw. ins Spiel kriege. Habe hierzu nur diese Anweisung gefunden:

I've got five of 12 Sydney Grade strips done so far. When I've got the lot I'll post up a link for them. As to how to install into the game, there are a couple of ways to do it. The PNG or JPG file you have created needs to be transformed into a .pssg file. This tutorial got me started: ... e-tutorial

You need some software to do the transformation. The details are in the tute. If you find this scary, (I did); you can get someone else to transform your files into .pssg and designate default custom strips to overwrite in the game. This is what I have been doing. What I can then do is zip up your transformed strips and post a link; then all you have to do is download the zip file, unzip it and follow the instructions below. I have been compiling a zip file with the NZ Super15 strips you have been making and can post that up soon if you like.

The way I do it is like this:

1. Find your game file Steam/steamapps/common/rugbychallenge

2. Backup pkcmn.pak. DO NOT skip this step

3. Once this is done, right click on pkcmn.pak and unzip the file (click on 7-Zip or whatever your zip program is designated in the drop down menu).

4. Open the folder "actors" in pkcmn.pak

5. Open the folder "player" in actors

6. Open the folder "strips" in player. This folder contains all the default strips and socks in the game.

7. Drag and drop the pssg files you want to install from the downloaded zip file into the list in pkcmn.pak. They take a few moments to install. The custom strips overwrite the designated default custom strips. Don't change the numbers or letters on the pssg files or it won't work!!

8. Once the files have installed, close pkcmn.pak

9. Run your game. Find the new strips amongst the custom strips (1-23 home and away). Directions as to which custom strip to look for will be in the zip file. Swap them on your team and away you go.

10. If it all goes pear shaped and the game does not run or crashes, revert to your back up pkcmn.pak and start again.

I have been holding off posting up the zip file becauise of the coloured numbers problem. To fix this I need to change the default custom strips I have allocated your strips too. That's a bit messy to fix in a hurry, so if you can live with the wierd number colours I can post what I've got so far and we can sort that out over time.
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Rugby für Computer und Konsole
Christoph Kotowski 05.03.2011 13:15
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Christoph Kotowski 05.03.2011 13:31
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Christoph Kotowski 05.03.2011 13:33
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Pascal Hauser 06.03.2011 17:07
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Christoph Kotowski 17.07.2011 01:31
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Christoph Ueberle 17.07.2011 10:22
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Christoph Ahaus 17.07.2011 13:55
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Christoph Ueberle 17.07.2011 14:08
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Christoph Ahaus 17.07.2011 14:20
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Axel Köhler 18.07.2011 16:04
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Christoph Kotowski 18.07.2011 19:40
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Matthias Hase 22.07.2011 12:32
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Christoph Kotowski 23.07.2011 14:38
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Christoph Ahaus 31.07.2011 13:53
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Christoph Kotowski 01.08.2011 22:02
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Uwe Diedrichs 19.08.2011 13:24
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Christoph Ahaus 19.08.2011 13:26
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Christoph Kotowski 19.08.2011 21:02
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Christoph Ahaus 19.08.2011 21:05
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Uwe Diedrichs 22.08.2011 16:10
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Christoph Kotowski 25.08.2011 00:39
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Uwe Diedrichs 25.08.2011 07:03
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Uwe Diedrichs 26.08.2011 09:34
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Patrick Hase 01.09.2011 08:52
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Axel Köhler 01.09.2011 09:24
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Florian Walter 01.09.2011 12:05
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Christoph Kotowski 01.09.2011 12:50
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Christoph Ahaus 01.09.2011 12:55
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Patrick Hase 01.09.2011 13:18
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Christoph Ahaus 01.09.2011 16:43
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Christoph Kotowski 01.09.2011 18:27
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Christoph Ahaus 01.09.2011 18:59
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Florian Walter 01.09.2011 19:55
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Christoph Ueberle 01.09.2011 19:43
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Uwe Diedrichs 01.09.2011 20:30
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Christoph Kotowski 01.09.2011 23:11
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Christoph Ahaus 02.09.2011 14:56
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Axel Köhler 04.09.2011 15:32
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Christoph Ahaus 04.09.2011 17:48
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Patrick Hase 05.09.2011 11:44
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Uwe Diedrichs 02.09.2011 14:41
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Uwe Diedrichs 05.09.2011 14:12
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Tim Augustin 22.09.2011 13:16
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Uwe Diedrichs 11.10.2011 17:05
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Christoph Kotowski 11.10.2011 23:36
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timo huck 16.10.2011 12:28
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Uwe Diedrichs 16.10.2011 13:26
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timo huck 16.10.2011 13:56
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Uwe Diedrichs 18.10.2011 22:36
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Christoph Kotowski 18.10.2011 23:57
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Christoph Ahaus 19.10.2011 12:14
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Uwe Diedrichs 19.10.2011 12:45
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Patrick Hase 19.10.2011 13:08
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Christoph Kotowski 19.10.2011 15:33
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Christoph Kotowski 19.10.2011 15:41
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Uwe Diedrichs 19.10.2011 14:16
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timo huck 21.10.2011 17:43
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Uwe Diedrichs 21.10.2011 18:46
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Christoph Kotowski 22.10.2011 02:26
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Uwe Diedrichs 21.10.2011 18:52
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Uwe Diedrichs 22.10.2011 07:51
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Uwe Diedrichs 26.10.2011 09:47
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Christoph Kotowski 29.10.2011 02:08
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Christoph Kotowski 29.10.2011 15:50
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Christoph Kotowski 29.10.2011 22:04
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Uwe Diedrichs 30.10.2011 13:37
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Uwe Diedrichs 30.10.2011 13:55
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Christoph Kotowski 30.10.2011 14:46
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Uwe Diedrichs 30.10.2011 15:17
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Uwe Diedrichs 03.11.2011 08:54
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 10:47
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 15:06
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 16:09
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 16:11
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 19:19
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 19:35
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 16:21
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 20:44
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 21:03
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 21:05
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 21:38
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 21:45
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 21:48
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 21:55
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 22:03
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Uwe Diedrichs 04.11.2011 22:11
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 22:21
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Christoph Kotowski 04.11.2011 22:31
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Uwe Diedrichs 05.11.2011 13:12
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Christoph Kotowski 05.11.2011 14:31
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Christoph Kotowski 05.11.2011 15:49
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Uwe Diedrichs 05.11.2011 15:21
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Christoph Kotowski 05.11.2011 15:25
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Uwe Diedrichs 06.11.2011 13:40
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Christoph Kotowski 06.11.2011 20:25
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Uwe Diedrichs 06.11.2011 20:47
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Christoph Kotowski 07.11.2011 03:50
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Christoph Kotowski 07.11.2011 04:07
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Uwe Diedrichs 07.11.2011 14:07
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Christoph Kotowski 08.11.2011 01:32
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Uwe Diedrichs 08.11.2011 13:27
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Christoph Kotowski 08.11.2011 14:51
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Uwe Diedrichs 09.11.2011 18:03
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Christoph Kotowski 09.11.2011 18:06
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Christoph Kotowski 15.11.2011 21:00
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